• Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute of India
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Integrated Diploma in Film and Television Technology. (for Under Graduate and Graduate Students Only) in 1st course of 1 year diploma.

Courses Type :  1 Year Diploma courses

In the late seventies premiere film schools worldwide felt the need of integrated approach to film making and started the integrated courses covering all the four majordisciplines, namely, acting, cinematography, editing and direction. In the profession it was noticed that the actors at one stage dawned the director's hat, cinematographers too aspired to become directors and also the editors comfortably wielded the megaphone and took to the director's chair. Production traditionally remained inseparable from direction. It was realised by people in the field in Hollywood and then Bombay, now Mumbai, that it is better to be a 'Film maker' than being just a director, if one wanted to outshine. There is no sharp demarcation between the departments of film making. Each one flows into the others domain making it essential to have the knowledge of the other disciplines too rather than sticking to a single discipline for better coordination. This was all the more applicable in the case of aspiring directors.

One-yearIntegrated Post Graduate Diploma in Film & Television Production Technologycourse covers a wide spectrum of film production knowledge enabling the directors to take out the best of all the personnel from various disciplines working under him. Students of integrated courses worldwide stand a better chance of acceptance in the field.



  • Understanding the visual medium
  • Expression of ideas through visual means
  • Development of verbal and nonverbal communications
  • Voice culture/voice modulation and developing microphone fitting voice
  • Understanding the nuances of dialogue delivery/dubbing and voice over
  • Difference between theatre acting & film acting
  • Theatre/Film & Television production technology
  • Understanding of the technological interface in cinema
  • Acting for the camera
  • Movement for camera
  • Development a sense of music/rhythm and dance
  • Developing concentration power and memory
  • Understanding of various schools of acting
  • Understanding of characters and character playing
  • Dealing with time and pace criterion
  • Developing a sense of music & rhythm
  • Grooming & Being camera savvy
  • Makeup for film & television
  • Reading through Teleprompter

Industry standard Production exercises as an actor.

  • Photographic science and technological inputs
  • Film grammar
  • Introduction to broadcasting
  • Working of digital cameras
  • Understanding of and digital technology
  • Various lenses and its uses
  • Exposure related parameters
  • Framing composition
  • The art of fluid camera movement in cinematic expressions
  • Working with Trolley
  • crane and other studio gears
  • Painting with Light
  • Creating shots
  • Electronic news gathering and documentary shooting
  • Dramatic film shooting

Industry standard Production exercises as a Director of Photography.

  • In depth understanding of Film language
  • Perfecting the Film grammar
  • Nonlinear editing through various software Sequencing
  • Various uses of cuts and its understanding
  • Editing news capsules/interviews/ENG and documentary films
  • Multi-camera online real time editing
  • Fiction program editing
  • Editing TVC Television Commercial advertisement films for advertising students
  • Use of Vfx and graphics
  • Elements of Sound recording and sense of mixing

Industry standard Production exercises as an Editor.

  • Understanding commercial aspect offilm and television business
  • Knowledge of production logistics/inclusive of local laws and various civic and government agencies' permission required for a shoot/Media law
  • History of cinema
  • Idea development
  • Formation of visual sense
  • Elements of screenplay
  • Observation and development of film sense
  • Film studies and film analysis
  • Screen technique & Developing expressive shots
  • Difference between theatre and cinema from Directors perspective
  • Handling of actors
  • Writing for various kind of film & television programmes
  • Multi-camera production technique
  • Practical on news/ interviews/song/ documentary or fiction production as opted by the student

Industry standard fiction production exercises as a Director.

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