Realizing the dream of Late Shri Gulshan Kumar, who decided to start an affordable film school
for bringing out
the first class trained filmmakers, artists and qualified technicians.
Gulshan Kumar Film & Television Institute of India
Digital Cinematography
Introduction to Still PhotographyStill Photography means the taking
of photographs or filming for commercial purposes of objects or persons who
are stationary. Still Photography shall include the erection and dismantling of
the equipment associated therewith.
Introduction to movie camera A movie camera is a type of photographic
camera that rapidly takes a sequence of photographs, either onto film stock or
an image sensor, in order to produce a moving image to display on a screen
Basic Movements
Natural Lighting techniques Natural light refers to the ambient
light supplied by the sun or moon—not a camera flash or other
artificial light sources. Natural light is also taken to include lights
you'd find naturally in the environment, such as street lights, lamps,
GIMBAL training
Artificial Lighting Techniques Artificial light, on the other
hand, are anything that excludes natural light. It is produced by
electric light fixtures to deliver the required aesthetic effect in a
photography studio or on location